Well its official the 2008-2009 school year has begun and I have a energetic new group of 4th graders. It is looking like it is going to be a pretty tough year, but thankfully they behave themselves the first few days of school so nothing to scary yet! :) I will say that the best part of my job is being able to see my students from last year, and have them come and say to me "I miss you" and "you're the best teacher" and all the other gushing compliments. It makes me feel like I did something right the year before and gives me hope that I can accomplish the same thing this year. It also proves that students do forget everything over the summer, including all the times their teacher yelled at them, or called their parents, or sent them to the schools time out room, because they come only remember the good! I'm grateful! I must not have been that mean to them!
With school starting it makes me miss spending my open summer days with my little nephew. I was able to go and see him today after school, and I just think he's hilarious. Anyway, since my birthday is on thursday he sang me happy birthday and practiced his "Hi my name is chubby" story, and I got it all on tape! so here's to carter the most adorable two and a half year old EVER!