Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fast Trips Home

So this past friday I took a trip up North the great state of Montana for Jordan's state tournament football game. They played Helena Capital, a team they had previously lost to by 2 points during the season. Helena is reigning state champs, and hadn't lost a game in 33 games. Their streak ended and CMR WON! It was a pretty fun game to watch too! Jordan played wide receiver as well as his usual tight end position, and it made for a fun game of finding which position he was at. Grandpa Harper and Jim were able to come and watch with us. The only people missing was Lindsey and her family. We missed them, but I am grateful I didn't have a baby to watch and got to focus on the game. Maybe when Zach has a state tournament the kiddo's can come! :) Here are some pictures I took during and after the game!

Jordan and his teammates must have been strategizing when I took this picture. I was just happy he took his helmet off for a minute during the game.
I'm not sure if this is just the seniors or what, but here are some of his teammates!

Jor at wide receiver.
The National Anthem...
I thought this was a pretty cool picture of Jordan.

After the game Jordan had all kinds of papers and news stations getting him to answer some of their questions.
BUT- We were able to get a family picture taken. Almost all my younger brothers are bigger than me now.
This picture is pretty funny because Lance has won his state football, jordan won his, and zach is holding up a 0 because he hasn't won any. It took me like 3 times before I got it! :)
Me and my little bro!

It was a pretty fun and fast trip, and I head back up again tomorrow for Thanksgiving! It should be quite the Thanksgiving with everyone home- I'll try to take some pictures while I'm there!


Courtney said...

What the heck?! Was that little Carson's friend Jordan? Am I thinking of the same person!? Gosh, I can't believe how big he has gotten. WOw! Time is just flying by. So fun that you got to go home to Montana. Great family picture!

MOM said...

Great pictures Kylee! I see a christmas card in there somewhere :)